Running out of hot water in your home? You may want to turn the temperature on your electric water heater up to keep the heating element on longer. Most water heaters have old style controls that require a screw driver adjustment and torque spec to turn up the temperature specification when the heating element will turn off. By replacing these old style controls with a new electronic temperature switch, you can change the temperature for your hot water heater using adjustment knobs and displays to make things easier on the end user. For more information on our electronic temperature switch, click here.

Electronic Temperature Switch Controls Water Heater

Electronic Hot Water Heater Control

Electronic temperature switches come with different styles of sensor that control a relay. As the temperature increases in a water heater, the sensor sends a 0-5V signal to the controller which opens and closes the relay contacts at the chosen temperature. For hot water heaters, if you want the heating element to stay on longer, you would increase your temperature using the adjustment knobs and display to what is desired (most people don’t go above 10°). Once the chosen temperature point is achieved, the signal opens the relay contacts shutting down (limit) the heating element and over time you will notice your hot water begin to disappear.

Old style controls such as capillary switches will also do this adjustment that we have outlined here. The electronic temperature switch is a more user friendly and cost effective solution given the adjustment knobs with display feature, but functions just the same.

Electronic Temperature Switch

Electronic Temperature Switch

The electronic temperature switch is available in three different models: operator adjustable, internal adjustment, or fixed. The operator adjustable style allows the end user to change the temperature set point when the contacts will open and close. The internal adjustment can be set upon install of the device inside the equipment, or the fixed is flashed with the requested temperatures – common with original equipment manufacturers. The operator and internal adjustment have a simple OLED display which gives the end user a visual of the temperature specifications.

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The superior controls manufactured by Senasys have a history of solid performance in many industries. From 22.5 mm selectors, to the four quadrant lighted feedback CMC controls, almost any switching need can be, and has been utilized in a variety of applications. Select a group below for more information. When you have found a switch that fits your needs, simply fax or email your specs to us and let our highly trained engineers find the most efficient configuration for your applications.

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Senasys products are designed & manufactured to meet the needs of original equipment manufacturers worldwide.

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Senasys products are designed & manufactured in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, U.S.A.