Eau Claire, WIS. (August 11, 2014)Senasys Inc., A Wisconsin manufacturer based in Eau Claire acquires the switch control manufacturer, Presair LLC, on July 1st, 2014. Founder, Steve Dye, seeks to incorporate the Presair line to their product mix to provide a greater range of products to the industrial control, consumer and agricultural industries, among others.


The Presair product line consists of air, pressure and vacuum switches, along with push button actuators and foot pedals, for commercial and residential use.  These devices use a change in air pressure to precisely trigger at a specified vacuum or pressure level range of electrical switches up to 25A 250VAC. Using air to trigger the electrical switch allows the more dangerous electrical system to be fully isolated from hazardous environments making the actuators waterproof, shock proof and explosion proof.

With push button units, operators can manually trigger a basic NO/NC switch or, a cam operated three or four mode sequence of switches for more complex behavior common in complete spa control systems. The foot pedal line uses air to isolate the user from the electrical system making these a solution of choice for wet and hazardous environments like hot tubs and oxygen rich medical environments. Presair switches are commonly used in spas and whirlpools, HVAC systems, water pump monitoring and numerous other industries.

Senasys is already a diversified manufacturer in thermostat switches, industrial controls, micro snap action switches, and soldering tools. As a result of the acquisition, Senasys will increase their capabilities providing a large selection of pneumatic controls to the original equipment manufacturer market.

Presair was based in Mamaroneck, New York and has been making these devices for 40 years. Nissen Consulting Group, LLC of New Jersey served as an exclusive business adviser to Presair. The office and production as well as a number of jobs have been relocated to Eau Claire, Wisconsin.


Senasys, Inc. was founded in 1999 and has enjoyed 15 years as a successful manufacturer of bi-metal thermostats and industrial controls. The company manufactures quality-engineered thermal sensors and switch lines used in a wide range of applications from hand dryers to aircraft carriers. The business has grown over the years by developing new product lines in-house as well as acquiring complimentary and related components. To learn more about the Senasys product lines, please visit senasys.com, or contact us at 715-831-6353.

For more information, visit Presair!

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The superior controls manufactured by Senasys have a history of solid performance in many industries. From 22.5 mm selectors, to the four quadrant lighted feedback CMC controls, almost any switching need can be, and has been utilized in a variety of applications. Select a group below for more information. When you have found a switch that fits your needs, simply fax or email your specs to us and let our highly trained engineers find the most efficient configuration for your applications.

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Senasys products are designed & manufactured to meet the needs of original equipment manufacturers worldwide.

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Senasys products are designed & manufactured in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, U.S.A.